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This is a blog to document my Sketch Innovation classes at Chelsea College of Art and Design as part of Stage 2.

Monday 14 January 2013


In our second Top session we had the opportunity to meet and listen to a expert in the field of drawing and a well established British painter and he spoke about his journey with sketch and what he thinks sketch means. Stephen gave us an insight into his career so far and his work but mainly focused on the sketching side of things. It is obvious he has a very distinct style and his methods to spontaneous drawing were really interesting. I wrote down a few notes that I found really useful to remember in the future. As a Textiles Designer at university I think it is very easy to be overly concerned with layout and presentation and producing things to achieve good results but it was really good to hear somebody talk about creativity and drawing in a very expressive and personal way. I used to draw a lot and I never really planned or thought about what i was drawing however being on a degree has changed that about me so these points will come in handy when I'm reminding myself not to think too much again!

-Important to always carry a sketchbook
-drawing to understand - science and drawing not just art 
-Be chaotic with a sketchbook, have an active mind
-Drawing is the translation of multi-dimensional events into two dimensional images
-not a receiver of information but a processor
-Ask why am I doing this drawing/sketcbook.. who is it for?
-Personal documentation.. do it for yourself 
-There is no right way
-Things usually look better if you're not concentrating too hard

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