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This is a blog to document my Sketch Innovation classes at Chelsea College of Art and Design as part of Stage 2.

Monday 14 January 2013


We were told to produce a drawing instrument from a toy or object that can move and create marks at the same time. A 'drawing machine' I struggled with this because I wanted to create something really interesting but all I came up with in the beginning was to attach pens onto a pull back motion toy car. It did create lines and a few marks on paper but nothing amazing. I then made something from a large water bottle, cardboard, coat hanger and pens. I broke the coat hanger in half and used the straight edge by inserting it into the bottle and then cut two circular shapes from the cardboard with holes in the center. I then added these two circles to either end of the bottle to act as wheels. I put tiny holes around the bottle and places pens inside each one. When I rolled the bottle along the floor by the hanger handle it moves and the pens made tiny dashes and marks as it went. I would say this was half successful I think it would need more time spent on it.
This was my favourite drawing toy of the day, it was fairly simple but made some really nice marks with blue paint:

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